Saga is a small prefecture in Japan with less than 850,000 citizens. Despite having an assortment of cultural assets and beautiful natural landscapes, Saga’s appeals are often overlooked and unrecognized.
In fact, Saga has a long history of fine craftsmanship, in particular of ceramics and textiles. However, these crafts are often viewed as “works of art” rather than as products for everyday use. Such perception of crafts has marked a divide between Makers and Users, resulting in craftsmanship becoming distant and irrelevant from the lifestyles of our modern world.
New Normal is a project that aims to rekindle the connection between the Makers and Users of crafts in Saga. We invite designers and producers as Cultural Translators to initiate conversations among Makers and Users. Together, they work to generate products and experiences that better integrate traditional craftsmanship with our modern lifestyle.
We believe that such collaboration encourages craftsmen to consider their consumer’s lifestyles when making crafts, so that their products become more accessible. At the same time, we urge Saga citizens to celebrate and embody tradition within their daily lives. New Normal is a manifestation of a new, unique lifestyle that is enriched by and relevant to Saga’s culture and natural environment.